Saturday, February 6, 2010


How does the amount spent on fast food compare with the amount spent on other things in our society?
We spend so much more money on fast food than on other things in society. About half of the money we spend on food is spent in fast food restaurants. We Americans spend millions on fast food a day. Eric states that “the typical American now consumes approximately three hamburgers and four orders of French Fries every week.” Do we buy three phones a week? Or how about four car washes? No, the typical American stuffs their face with fattening foods.

Why is fast food worth studying?
Fast food is worth studying because we eat SO MUCH of it. In the future, if we continue studying it, we could find that fast food can cause deaths or something like impacting the world hugely. Future research can put a stop to any problems, before they show up.

What are some of the observations about McDonald's made by the author?
The author finds that McDonalds targets the younger kids so that it teaches them to stick with what they’re used to, and they’ll eat it when they are older, too. It’s thought that people don’t usually branch out and try something different; they normally stick to what they know because it’s safe. If kids eat McDonalds while they are young, they will grow to still eat it because it is safe for them.

Where is the hearth of the fast food industry?
The hearth of the fast food industry is in the Eisenhower-era glorifications of technology.

What does the author say about independent farmers?
Schlosser says that independent farmers are losing their farms. They become hired as huge agribusiness factory workers or are forced off their land. He says that independent farmers “are a truly vanishing breed.”

What does the author say about the political clout of the meat packaging industry?As the world modernizes in technology, our methods of meat packaging have changed hugely. Eric says that these methods have become faster and more efficient, but extremely dangerous.

According to the author, why did he write this book?
He wrote the book because he felt that people are so consumed with saving time, that they find eating fast food is the most efficient meal. They don’t stop to truly think about WHERE their food comes from.

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