Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapter 10

Why did the author visit Plauen, Germany?
The author visited Plauen because he thought it was a very fascinating place. It was a mesh of old, quiet town features and the marks of the great reforms of the 20th century movements.

In a discussion of fast food corporations why is it important to talk about their oversees operations?
It is important to talk about the oversees operations of fast food corporations because that’s where a greater majority of their profit is coming from nowadays. These oversees operations are also hints into the ever greater Americanization of the rest of the world.

In foreign countries, what group does most fast food advertising target?
The same as in America the main target for fast food advertising is children. The same advertisers have found the same results in other countries that children are more impressionable and easier to manipulate.

In what ways might there be a connection between the obesity rate in America and the fast food industry?
There are many ways a connection can be made between the obesity rate in America and the fast food industry be made. Fast food is generally more fattening than other foods and has become integrated into American lifestyle. Americans can get fast food cheap and it folds into the fast moving pace of Americans very effectively.

Why is obesity a problem for American society as a whole?
Obesity is a problem for American society because obesity can lead to many health problems. Obesity can lead to serious problems such as diabetes, breast cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes.

What kind of business is the most frequent target of anti-American protests in foreign countries and what kinds of groups engage in these protests?
The fast food business is more frequently targeted by anti-American protests. These businesses, such as McDonalds, are attacked because of their correlation with American imperialism.

What did London Greenpeace do to protest McDonald's and what was McDonald's response?
London Greenpeace distributed a six-page pamphlet in 1986, “What’s Wrong with McDonald’s? Everything they don’t want you to know.” This pamphlet accused McDonald’s and attacked it for supposedly encouraging Third World poverty, exploiting workers, selling unhealthy food, and more. In response, in 1990, McDonald’s sued five members of the group for libel, and claimed the pamphlet contained entirely false information. McDonald’s won the suit but the two later won an appeal.


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