Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapter 1

What restaurant chain did Carl Karcher start?
Carl Karcher started Carl's Jr. He then bought Hardee's in the 90's, expanding it as one of the top 4 fast food resturants.

Why did General Motors want to buy trolley systems throughout the U.S.?
GM bought trolley systems throughout the U.S. to rip those down, and start putting up bus routes.

What was the "Speedee Service System" and how was it different from what other fast food restaurants were doing?
Speedee Service System was the first drive through started by McDonalds. All of McDonalds competitors were using Carhops that were having waitresses on rollerskates delivering food to the other resturants.

What were some of the characteristics of the men who started the fast food industry?
All of the men that started the fast food business were middle school to high school drop-outs. They were all very lucky to have made a business that worked.

What were some of the other fast food restaurants that were inspired by McDonald's approach to food service?
Burger King, Carl's Jr., and other fast food resturants today all have their own speedee service system, now known as a drive-thru.


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